Hosting a Profile in Gitlab

• Published on May 6, 2020 by Nidhi KS


Hosting a website which you have designed is everyone’s dream. If its yours too then read along the blog and have in fact hosted too.


  • A GNU Linux machine.
  • Basic Knowledge on HTML and CSS.
  • An enthusiasm to learn.

Creating an Gitlab account

Click on -> Select the register button and create an account .

Installing Git & Configuaration

  sudo apt install git

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install git


git config --global  "Username"
git config --global “”
git config --list

Production of SSH key.

The public key is generated and it is given to Gitlab . The public key is like the handshake between your local machine and the gitlab server.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C “”
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Xclip is a tool used to copy the public key generated

sudo apt-get install xclip
xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/

Now the public key is copied to your clipboard.

  • Log in to your gitlab account at

  • Go to settings which is in right top corner.

  • And select SSH key from the dropdown menu and you will be redirected to a page where you have to paste the ssh key and put add a title i.e., the laptop you are using. (ex:Lenovo,HP,Dell)

Hurray!!!! The configuaration is complete.

Creating a new repository

  • Click the Gitlab icon present in top left corner.It redirects to the home profile page.

  • Click on Newproject button and give appropriate name.

Basic Git commands

  • Click on . You will get a repository with 4 files.

  • Now click on Fork #A fork is a copy of a repository. Forking a repository allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original project.

  • Click on clone and copy the http path or ssh path which you get.

Get into Your terminal(CTRL+ALT+T)

Get into the directory where you want your repository to reside. Here I am considering home directory

  • intialises a git repository ang gives the creates a .git file

       git init 

Copy the path which you copied in https or ssh

  • Creates a folder called gitsession in your local machine.

      git clone ""  
  • To verify get into your file manager and check for the folder named gitsession . In this case the folder will be in the home directory.

  • Change the back ground image and profile photo as required.

  • change to your gitsession folder using cd command

    cd gitsession
  • To add all the files to your local machine execute

     git add -A     #To add all the files 
     git add file name  #To add a particular file.
  • To commit the changes made to local repository execute

    git commit -m "Message"    #change the message appropriately.
  • To push the changes to git repository

    git push

To verify get into your account in gitlab and click on gitsession repo and you will find the files that you pushed.

Hurray!!!! We have our repo ready. Time to host!!!


  • Get into your gitsession folder.

     cd gitsession
  • To host your website we should add CI/CD configuaration file

  • To create a file :

       touch .gitlab-ci.yml
  • To write in the file :

       nano gitlab-ci.yml

You will directed to nano text editor. Add the following

    - mkdIntroductionir .public
    - cp -r * .public
    - mv .public public
      - public
    - master
  • Press CTRL+S for save and CTRL+X to exit.

  • Now lets push the changes to gitlab .

    cd gitsession git add -A git commit -m”Added CI/CD executable file” git push

  • Go to your gitlab account. Verify if you have a executable file in gitsession repo.

  • Go to setting in the right most corner and click on CI/CD from the dropbox and click on pipelines.

  • You will get a tick mark and passed . If you click job it will be running ,once job is succeded your website is hosted.

  • Select settings and click on pages from the dropdown list.

  • You will find a URL in which your website is hosted. (ex:


Here you have your dream come true !!!Party hard for your success !!!

Feel free to contact me for any of your queries or share your happiness!!!

Telegram handle : @Happysunshine_5