Getting started with Flask

• Published on Oct 30, 2019 by zphoenix

FLASK Session

#FlaskFlask session handled on 30th & 31st October 2019.

Pre Requisties

— Python3
— Pip3
— Flask

Installation and Procedure :

step1: Go to

Now download python3 in your machine.

step2: Run the installer, dont forget to check the path below

step3: Windows Users
->select custom installtion (advised)
-> next install to all users
-> install # This will install python on all user account on a machine

step4: Go to command prompt by pressing “super key(windows key) + r” a prompt will pop up
-> type cmd
-> ok # Command prompt will popup

step5: python — version # If a value is returned “python 3.6” we have python

step6: -> go to
-> copy the content by pressing “control+a”
-> paste it in new notepad file
-> save the file as “” and save the file in a directory you know say desktop(use drop down)

->go to cmd prompt
-> since our file is in desktop type “cd Desktop”
-> python # This will install pip

step8: pip install flask

->go to desktop
-> create a new folder
-> in the folder create a new file
-> save the file as (dont forget to check saveas type as “all files” ).

step10: In the file type the below code

step11: python3 # starts webserver in localhost at port 5000

step12: Now lets add html file instead of a string, update the code file

And create a new home.html file and type the below code and run the file to view it.

Then lets have fun in html for a while ad depoy our WebApp.